Saturday, April 19, 2008

Keeping Tradition Alive

As promised we made it to another Astros opening day with Fritz and now Olly. Mark swears his sons will never miss an opening day. Fritz actually enjoyed it this year and Olly didn't scream so we felt it was a success.

We are going on two weeks now of Olly being on Prevacid for acid reflux. Overall I would say he is happier, but he is still really cranky sometimes. It is so hard to see your little baby in so much pain and not be able to make him happy.

Finally, Mark and I have just survived one of the crappiest things that can happen as a parent...the flu. We both came down with the flu and mine turned into bronchitis. We survived a weeks worth of aches, chills, coughs, and sky rocketing fevers. Luckily we are coming out of it and both boys are still healthy!

1 comment:

The Armstrong's said...

Ughh the flu, I'm glad you are all doing better. The boys are so cute.