Monday, July 7, 2008

So Many Changes

Let us first take a minute to mourn the loss of Fritz's beautiful blond locks...The poor child was sweating profusely every time he stepped outside. It was like he had a helmet on at the playground. So we said adios to the lucious locks and hello to the faux hawk!

Let me say that with the new hair cut also came a new attitude. He loves his new hairdo and it shows in a recent wild streak that has come out of him. He is a little less cuddly and a little more naughty over the past week. He seems to be getting more daring, more hard of hearing and less compliant as he nears his third birthday!

Another new achievement for Mr. Fritzer is that he is potty training!!! He does really well at home and stays dry about 75% of the time while we are out. He did go potty at Wal-Mart for the first time last week (pee and poop), but I still have to constantly take him and ask him if he has to potty. He must be sick of hearing me talk about it.

We were rewarding him with new Thomas the Tank Engine trains for all of his various milestones with pottying, but we quickly realized at $10 per engine we would be going broke before the month was out. Luckily he is pretty content with Skittles and the occasional ice cream cone as a reward. He does come up to us all the time and asks the whereabouts of a train that he knows he doesn't have. When we say that we don't have that train he says, "Oh...he at store!" He thinks he's clever. And he is...I would love to buy him all the trains he wants. Below Fritz displays some of his most prized engines:

Sir Handel



Another change...Mark is the proud new owner of a motorcycle!!! He is very thrilled about that. Here are a couple new pictures of Mark, his brother Andy and their cousin Jeff during the inaugural ride for their new motorcyle gang...

Finally, we spent a fun weekend with family at the lake house for the 4th. Lots of tubing, eating and more eating. Here are a few highlights...
Sleeping Jelly!

The Sister in Laws

Doing a little bird watching

Cooling off in the Texas heat


Elliott family said...

i love his new hair cut!! he looks like such a big boy:0 we really need to get together and let jelly and kennedy roll around on the floor together;)

Tiffany Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh, are you sure that's not Makoa in that last picture???? It's unreal, it looks just like him!! I wish we could have been there at the lake with you guys, we miss you so much it hurts!!! ):

The Armstrong's said...

Fun update! Jack just sold his motorcycle (I am so happy). I didn;t care for him riding one, though he loved it. Olly is such a cutie, and Fritz' hair cut rocks!

Tracy Robinson said...

I think that last picture looks just like Fritz!