The problem is that my milk supply feels like it has dropped off significantly and so nursing seems more challenging for him and I am not sure if he is getting enough. He is still growing fine and doesn't seem to be starving, but it is my job to worry so I can't help it. It was my goal to nurse for a full year this time (with Fritzy I stopped at 7 months) and I plan to do that, but I just want the option to offer him a bottle if needed.
So today the standoff began. I got an ounce and a half pumped out and combined it with two ounces of formula. He knew instantly what it was. I think he could smell it. I don't blame him either that stuff smells like $%*@. I tried over and over again for two hours. He screamed his head off! Olly is a champion screamer too. You would have thought he was being stabbed. I kept thinking if he gets hungry enough he will eat. I just held him while he cried. He rested his little head against my chest and just sobbed. It was so painful. I really tried to not give in though. That went on for two hours before I had to leave to run an errand. Suprisingly Olly was fine while we were out. I think he was just relieved to not be battling the bottle anymore. After a Kohls trip and getting Fritzy fed and in bed I was too exhausted for another round. I nursed Olly boy and he was happy as pie. Oh well I guess I will try again another day.
My poor Olly. I think he's just confused. I was thinking about it today and I think you might just want to go straight to the cup. It would suck to work so hard to get him to take a bottle and then have to switch to the cup shortly after. Just a thought.... Love the picture of Olly and his bottom teeth!
Hmmm, I to wanted to breast feed Lilly for as close to a year as I could. Thanks to Ike we were forced to feed Lilly bottles of formula becuse my FROZEN supply had to be used up or wasted. Once we ran out I realized that I kinda did as well. I think what really worked for us was someone other than me giving her the bottles to start. She absolutely refused a bottle if I was giving it to her, but pass her over to Jack she would suck it down. I think they just think they can hold out for the good stuff cause they know you have it. It only took a couple of days and now we have no problems!
i was going to suggest the same thing. . . my girls were sooooo picky too! it took someone else giving them a bottle before they would take one from me! seriously, tiff's probably right - the cups they have now are great and soooo similar to a bottle. that would make it easier for you! we had kamy use avent cups at first - they were great for starting out! :) uhh! hope it gets better soon. you are a champ for breast feeding so long! way to go!
I absolutely agree with the girls. My mom had to give Addison her first bottle and Ihad to leave the room. Babies have an extreemly strong sense of smell and I actually had to leave the room. Hope that works for you. Love always.
ok, when am i going to meet olly?
i didnt make it a year with either kid and that was my goal ;(... just a word of advice- breastfeeding is most definately not good birth control .
Well, you know what I have to say about breastfeeding, so I'll spare the details...however, I would like to comment on all of the past blogs that I've let pass by...Seriously, you just need to stop it with the adorable pictures...I can't take it anymore, sheesh!
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