Olly Edward Houston is 9 months old now! I have no idea where 9 months went. I know everyone says that, but it went by way faster this time than it did with Fritz. We went for his check up today and he is 21 lbs 3.5 oz and 29 inches long. He has dropped to 50% for weight, but that is not suprising since he is a crawling and cruising machine. Fritz and Olly also got their flu shots. They took them like men! No tears involved. I was a little worried about Fritz because he has not had a shot in over a year, but he wasn't bothered at all.
I checked with Dr. Mckillip about Olly and his reflux because I would like to have him off his medicine. I have tried to take him off his Prevacid a handful of times and it always brings on crying at mealtime after only being off the medicine for a day. I don't think he is quite ready, but we are going to shoot for taking him off at a year.
Here are a few cute pictures:
Fritz wrangling the dragon
Sweet boy
Olly's very favorite table (and anything on the table!)
Almost got it!